What are the best books to read with emergent readers during March? Here are some of Bluebird Speech’s favorites to consider as you engage kids in the fun and benefits of storybook time!

march Book Recommendations
too many carrots
Author: Katy Hudson
Summary: Rabbit’s love for carrots is becoming too much and taking over his cozy home. When his friends try to help, things go wrong and get very messy.
Themes: values, friendship, forest and river animals, spring, Easter
Level: preschool to kindergarten
Language skills: sequencing, perspective taking, prepositions
Sounds: /k/ for carrot; “sh” for share, and /r/ for river, rain, rabbit, rest
Core Vocabulary: go, not, in, fall, many
Fridge Vocabulary: rabbit, carrot
Resources: Too Many Carrots Book Companion
we’re going on a bear hunt
Author: Helen Oxenbury
Summary: Will the bear catch up to the family? Find out in this engaging story based on a classic song.
Themes: adventure, family
Level: preschool to kindergarten
Language skills: adjectives – big, beautiful, dark, cold, deep, narrow, long; prepositions – over, under, through; categories – habitats, body parts, house, weather
Sounds: /f/ for forest; /k/ for cave, and /sn/ for snowstorm
Core Vocabulary: go, not, big, we, under
Fridge Vocabulary: bear, hunt, scared
Resources: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Companion