What are the best books to read with young children or autistic children during October? Here are some of Bluebird Speech’s favorites to consider as you engage kids in the fun and benefits of storybook time!
October Book Recommendations
The Little Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid of Anything
Author: Linda D. Williams
Summary: a cute, repetitive tale about a fearless woman and a scarecrow
Theme: Halloween, Fall/Autumn
Level: preschool to second grade
Language skills: sequencing, prepositions, categories – clothing, comparative/superlatives – scariest, faster
Sounds: /p/ for pumpkin, /sk/ for scarecrow, scary, scream
Core Vocabulary: I, is, not, out, go away
Fridge Vocabulary: afraid, pumpkin, scarecrow, jack-o’-lantern
Resources: Little Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid of Anything Halloween Speech Companion
Little Boo
Author: Stephen Wunderli
Summary: a little pumpkin seed can’t wait to grow up to be scary
Theme: Halloween, Fall/Autumn
Level: preschool to second grade
Sounds: /p/ for pumpkin, “boo” simple consonant-vowel combination great for childhood apraxia of speech
Core Vocabulary: little, is, not, big, sad, happy
Fridge Vocabulary: seed, leaf, sprout, plant, flower, fruit
Resources: Little Boo Digital Sequencing Pictures
monsters don’t eat broccoli
Authors: Barbara Jean Hicks and Sue Hendra
Summary: monsters think that they don’t like broccoli, but they might be wrong
Theme: Halloween, Fall/Autumn
Level: preschool to second grade
Language skills: categories – food/toys/transportation, negation – “don’t”
Sounds: clusters like /sn/ in snack, /tr/ in tractor, /br/ in broccoli, /f/ in fee, fie, foe, fum
Core Vocabulary: don’t, you, like, eat
Fridge Vocabulary: broccoli, monsters, vegetables
Resources: PRC-Saltillo Literacy Planner