What are the best books to read with kids during November? Here are some of Bluebird Speech’s favorites to consider as you engage kids in the fun and benefits of storybook time!
November Book Recommendations
The gigantic turnip
Author: Aleksei Tolstoy
Summary: Which animal will help the old man and woman pull the gigantic turnip from the ground? Kids will be shocked by the outcome of this cumulative Russian tale.
Theme: Fall/Autumn, farm animals, harvest
Level: preschool to third grade
Language skills: following directions, sequencing, prepositions, categories – farm animals, vegetables, pets, etc.
Sounds: /k/ for cow/canary, /g/ for goose, garden
Core Vocabulary: pull, not, move, out, in, big
Fridge Vocabulary: turnip, speckled, gigantic, sow
Resources: The Gigantic Turnip Language and Literacy Companion
The Little red hen makes a pizza
Author: retold by Philemon Sturges
Summary: a classic tale with a twist – the Little Red Hen is making a pizza in the city this time
Theme: Fall/Autumn, cooking
Level: preschool to second grade
Sounds: /d/ for duck, deli, dog and /p/ for pizza, pepperoni
Language skills: sequencing, reading comprehension, categories – cooking utensils, toppings, animals, etc.
Core Vocabulary: who, will, help, me, need, make, not, I
Fridge Vocabulary: pizza, supermarket, mozzarella, oven
Resources: The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza Language and Literacy Companion
feast for 10
Author: Cathryn Falwell
Summary: a counting book that follows a family as they shop for groceries and cook a meal
Theme: counting, family, meal prep
Level: preschool to kindergarten
Sounds: “ch” for children, chicken, bunches, chair and /f/ for feast, four, five, family, folks
Language skills: sequencing, categories – groceries, food, cooking utensils, etc.
Core Vocabulary: buy, make, in, cook, look
Fridge Vocabulary: family, food
Resources: PRC Literacy Planner 2023